High impedance loudspeaker
In solid oak cabinet with plywood front and diamond-shaped black wooden ornament at the bottom.
Made by the Rijnlandsche Ontvangtoestellen Fabriek, Langebrug 32a/b, Leiden. The R.O.F. was active from 1929 until 1932. In this period the company promoted a license-free industry.
The company originated from the radio department of Peltenburg of 1793, a piano trader that launched the Novavox radio in 1928. Owner of the R.O.F. was Mr. C.A. Mulder from Oegstgeest.
Except loudspeakers, the R.O.F. made radios such as the R.O.F. People's Receiver and the R.O.F. WI. In the fight against the Philips patents, the R.O.F. in 1930 made the R.O.F. GI, a 4-lamp device that made use of Idzerda's patent-free design.
On the right, an advertisement for a radio from 1932.
In 1933 the company became part of Peltenburg again.
The loudspeaker cone has a diameter of 21 cm. The cone is not supported at the edge.
Serial number: none


Made in: ±1929
Purchased in: 2019
Dimensions (w x h x d): 34.3 x 28.5 x 16 cm
DC resistance: 1115 Ω

What was broadcast in 1929?


Listen to "Louise" by Howard Godfrey and his Orchestra, sung by Howard Godfrey, recorded in July 1929

Logo of the Rijnlandsche Ontvangtoestellen Fabriek
A look inside
The electromagnetic driver looks German.

Deze pagina is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op zondag 17 februari 2019