Amplion Dragon Type AR111 Junior
Electromagnetic loudspeaker, made by Alfred Graham & Company in London.
Black spun aluminium flare with black cast metal neck, nickel-plated base and 2,000 ohm drive unit. By turning the knurled screw the distance between the magnet and the diaphragm can be changed.
The AR110 is 120 ohms.
The original price was £ 2:10:0.
Serial number: D33368
DC resistance: 2000 Ohms
Diameter: 25 cm
Made in 1924
Purchased in 2005
Sold in 2023

What was broadcast in 1924?


Listen to "The Ogo Pogo" by The Romaine Dance Orchestra, recorded on November 12, 1924

Advertisement in Popular Wireless, October 25, 1924

This page was last edited on 16.12.2023