Thermion 4-pin 2-443 with side contact

Output pentode

Introduced in 1927

In order to avoid Philips patents used in the B443, in this tube the suppressor grid and the control grid are connected.

1 2 3 4 5/sc base
f a f g1 g2 B4/B5


Vf Af Va Vs Vg mAa mAs Ra gm Pout Pdiss
4 0.15 250 150 -19 12 2.4 45,000 1.3 1.35 3


Equivalent 410PT, B443, D100, D100N, DX3, L415D, L506, M1004, PM24, PP415, R79RES174, RO4243, TB43, TU415, W443

Deze pagina is voor het laatst bijgewerkt op zondag 08 oktober 2017